Business Plan

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Publicat de: Adriana Radu
Puncte necesare: 6

Extras din proiect


Our firm deals with the floral arrangements for various occasions such as weddings, birthday parties, cocktail parties.





Our firm, SUNFLOWER, is a partnership between X and Y.

We chose this partnership because X has two years of experience in this field and Y has the skills to take care of the financial part.

Where to find us?

You can find us on Dorobantilor street number 56 Cluj-Napoca, you can also contact us at 0740653256 or visit our web page



Low prices

Young, creative, skilled manpower

We hire young people, which we form along our firm activity

Direct delivery capability

Product innovations ongoing


We can be a small player because our firm is new

Limited budget

Our staff needs training and this thing costs a lot of time and energy


We can surprise competitors

Given that we are located in Cluj we have a large market

We could develop new products

We could extend to other cities

We could seek better supplier deals


Market demand very seasonal

Vulnerable to reactive attack by major competitors (Magnolia)

Because our staff is young they could leave if they have better job opportunities

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Business Plan.ppt

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