Prezentare Nivea

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Publicat de: Beatrice Popescu
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Good morning and thank you for the opportunity to present the Nivea Sun product.Let me introduce myself-my name is Barbu Alexandra and I’m the sales director of Nivea.My objective today is to present you the new Nivea Sun Children’ Spray and learn you how to protect your skin against the ultraviolet rays.I have divided my presentation into three parts.First I’ll tell you a little about the history of our company, then I’ll show you some folder(leaflet) with every brand and product owned by Nivea and finally I’ll speak about the important aspects of Nivea Sun Children’ Spray and why it is the best product for your children.

My presentation will take around ten minutes, and if you have any questions I’ll de pleased to answer them at the and.

Okay.I’ll start by telling you that Nivea’s passion is skin and beauty care.But NIVEA Sun's vision is:"To be the Number 1 brand in the sun care market in penetration, sales and likeability." The protection message is key to the NIVEA Sun brand proposition.NIVEA Sun has 17.5% value market share.

Now I’ll show you a brosure of this product and also a folder with every brand Nivea.I’ll not speak more about this because you have all the important information on it.But if you have any questions I’ll come back to this at the and.

And know as you all know sun is more dangerous nowdays then before.Your children spend a lot of time in sun and their skin have to suffer because of it?Don’t worry, there is light at the and of the tunnel.Perhaps we have the right solution for you.

NIVEA Sun provides products that enable people to be as safe as possible. It is vital that skin is adequately protected against the sun's harmful effects

NIVEA Sun provides a range of lotions and sprays targeted at different climates and to users with different skin types. Someone with fair skin may be well protected with a SPF 20 product when in England, but if they were in Barbados they would need SPF 40.

The three main product segments that make up the NIVEA Sun range are:self tan, after sun and protection.

What is different at our product then others?Why you should buy it?Because is a childrens coloured sun spray, with SPF 30+ high protection, Up-side-down pump for easy application, Water resistant, with Vitamin E.The spray is green, so you can see where you've sprayed it. So that's good as it helps you not to miss bits when liberally dosing all your children with it in the sun. Once you've rubbed it in, it's not green any more. Children are not all wandering around the beach looking like they've just come off the set of Mars attacks!

Children are not purchasers of sun care. However, NIVEA Sun recognises it can play an important part in educating children from a young age to be safer when in the sun

Concluding NIVEA Sun is maintaing a Number 1 value position in protection and after sun just because understands the needs of the consumers.

Now let’s stop here.Thank you very much for your attention.

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